Yes I know it has been months since I have posted. I've been a tad busy with this little thing called teaching!!
Anytime I meet new people and they find out I'm a knitter, their first response is "oh will you knit me a ...." To which I reply, "I don't knit for other people." I usually justify this with my excuse of limited knitting time, which is only partially true.
What I'm really saying is that I'm selfish with my knitting goods. I am afraid the recipient will totally destroy the item or not appreciate the time and care involved when owning a hand knit item.
So imagine my surprise when I willingly asked someone if they would like a hand knit hat!!!
I even sent several pictures of color & yarn combinations for approval.
So I will be casting on a Jarod Flood Turn A Square hat using Frog Tree Pediboo yarn. Pictures will be forthcoming.
I just hope the recipient understands what a rare event this is. Would a signed & notarized terms of agreement be too much to ask for before handing over said hat????
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Where Has All the Compassion Gone?
My friends know that I am usually a sarcastic wench. I believe that we take life and ourselves too seriously at times. My friends also know that I am usually the quiet one - until I get comfortable around you. I would hope many would say that I am someone who would do anything for anybody. Anyone who knows me for more than 5 minutes knows that my family and closest friends mean the world to me. Nothing is more important.
What my closest friends and family know about me is that I am a very senstive person, who puts her trust in people way to freely and gets easily hurt by people's words and actions. This is not a side I show to just anyone. Although one look at my face and you would know how I was feeling.
For those of you that are thinking "wait usually these post are full of sarcasm and funny tales" keep reading. I'm sure there will be some sarcasm thrown in here somewhere!!
As we are all aware, my son has gluten intolerance. We also know he is 14 years old. As soon as I say this around moms who have made it through teenage boys, I usually get the "ahhhh" with a nod of understanding.
My son somehow missed the bus last Thursday morning. I'm not sure how this happened. I set the timer on the stove before I left for work. He was awake and had eaten breakfast before I walked out the door. I am chalking it up to being a 14 year old boy.
I am impressed with his recovery skills. He called my brother and asked him if he could take him to school (Big THANK YOU!!) before he called me to tell me he had missed the bus. He had used the backup plan we had put in place for such an event.
What he forgot to do was grab his lunch!!! No problem you say, he can buy lunch at school. Yeah I wish it was that easy. You see what my 14 year old son is supposed to do if he wants to eat lunch at school is sometime before his third period class he must stop by the cafeteria and let the head cook know he needs a gluten free lunch. Sounds reasonable!
Until he is having a the morning from hell. I mean he already missed the bus, had to listen to a lecture from Uncle R the entire way to school, and realize that everyone in our family will hear about his mistake. (That's just how my family is.) So I am not at all surprised that my son didn't notice he had even forgotten his lunch until - yep you guessed it - lunchtime.
I am just sitting down to my 30 minute lunch when I get the text message - "Mom I forgot my lunch". At this point I realize my son is having one of those days. You know the kind where you should have just stayed in bed and pulled the covers over your head.
So I reply back "Check with the assistant principal to see if your gluten free food has arrived at school". (I was told it would take 3 weeks for the school to get gluten free food). His reply - "OK".
From this point things start happening in a very nasty blur. Apparently the gluten free food had not yet arrived. He was offered the following choices: rice, pinto beans or salad bar. I have told the school staff from the beginning that salads cannot be our backup plan. The boy will not eat a salad. Rice & pinto beans - that doesn't sound appealing to me AT ALL. EVER. And especially not from a school cafeteria.
So when speaking to the nurse and assistant principal, they kept saying that my son refused to eat. He choose not to eat. He refused any of the plethora of options. Yes I kid you not. The assistant principal actually said he had a PLETHORA of options. Last time I looked 3 is not a plethora!!!
After a 45 minute conversation with the nurse & assistant principal, I realize that their main goal was to make sure I was well aware that my 14 year son had not followed the proper protcol for ordering his lunch and that this was all his fault. They were not interested in solving the issue that my son was going to be at the school until 6pm eating nothing but an apple.
I offered up solution after solution. All of which were met with an excuse as to why that was not possible. I mean I know you serve 1800 kids. I know each of the 3 lunch shifts is only 30 minutes. I know that my son needed to take some responsibility here.
Yes I am aware that in 4 short years he will need to enter "the real world" and be prepared to function given his food limitations. I am more than aware that he is 14 and needs to take responsibility for his choices.
I also know that my son was having an extremely rough day and needed someone (other than me) to show him a little compassion and empathy. I know that it is not fun being a 14 year old boy who can't have gluten. I know that being different in any way in high school can easily make one a target for ridicule and bullying.
What I don't understand is how the people to which I am entrusting my son have absolutely no empathy or compassion!!!
What I also am aware of is that there are days when we all have a crappy day. There are times when we all just want someone to show us a little compassion. There are times when we can't be perfect. I mean as adults we have options if we forget our lunch. We can get in our car and drive ourselves to a store and get something to eat. The last time I looked my son's high school is a closed campus. Oh wait he isn't even 16. He doesn't even have the ability to hop in a car and run to the store to grab a gluten free option.
What my son needed that day was for just one adult to show him a little understanding. He needed someone to say "I realize how difficult this gluten thing is for you. How can I help you make it better?"
Instead he learned that adults he is supposed to count on to support him don't really care about how hard it is to be gluten free. He learned that if he makes even one mistake, it will be held over him.
As I have sat back and reflected upon the events of that day, I realized why this all made me so very angry and upset. I was in tears several times. Crying is not something I like to do - especially not on the phone with school administration.
I realized that I felt like my son and my parenting skills were being called into question. I felt like I had two women judging me and my son. I felt helpless when my son needed an adult to care about him. I was a concerned mom who needed some compassion and empathy. Not to mention the things that were said to me by the school administration were things I would never say to my best friend much less a parent of one of my students.
So my question is where has all the compassion gone? Why do we not care about each other? Why do we not want to help each other have a better day? Compassion and empathy are two traits that we as a society are losing. We seem to have lost the art of caring for one another.
I know that my son will need to learn to fend for himself. I also know that sometimes we all have to count on those around us to help get us through life. We were not meant to be islands. Sometimes we all need a kind, caring person to help us navigate through life.
And just in case you were wondering, I solved the problem and created a workable backup plan just in case he forgets his lunch again. After explaining the backup option to my son, he hugs me and says "Mom, you are the best problem solver".
I just hope he is paying attention and picking up some of these skills!!
What my closest friends and family know about me is that I am a very senstive person, who puts her trust in people way to freely and gets easily hurt by people's words and actions. This is not a side I show to just anyone. Although one look at my face and you would know how I was feeling.
For those of you that are thinking "wait usually these post are full of sarcasm and funny tales" keep reading. I'm sure there will be some sarcasm thrown in here somewhere!!
As we are all aware, my son has gluten intolerance. We also know he is 14 years old. As soon as I say this around moms who have made it through teenage boys, I usually get the "ahhhh" with a nod of understanding.
My son somehow missed the bus last Thursday morning. I'm not sure how this happened. I set the timer on the stove before I left for work. He was awake and had eaten breakfast before I walked out the door. I am chalking it up to being a 14 year old boy.
I am impressed with his recovery skills. He called my brother and asked him if he could take him to school (Big THANK YOU!!) before he called me to tell me he had missed the bus. He had used the backup plan we had put in place for such an event.
What he forgot to do was grab his lunch!!! No problem you say, he can buy lunch at school. Yeah I wish it was that easy. You see what my 14 year old son is supposed to do if he wants to eat lunch at school is sometime before his third period class he must stop by the cafeteria and let the head cook know he needs a gluten free lunch. Sounds reasonable!
Until he is having a the morning from hell. I mean he already missed the bus, had to listen to a lecture from Uncle R the entire way to school, and realize that everyone in our family will hear about his mistake. (That's just how my family is.) So I am not at all surprised that my son didn't notice he had even forgotten his lunch until - yep you guessed it - lunchtime.
I am just sitting down to my 30 minute lunch when I get the text message - "Mom I forgot my lunch". At this point I realize my son is having one of those days. You know the kind where you should have just stayed in bed and pulled the covers over your head.
So I reply back "Check with the assistant principal to see if your gluten free food has arrived at school". (I was told it would take 3 weeks for the school to get gluten free food). His reply - "OK".
From this point things start happening in a very nasty blur. Apparently the gluten free food had not yet arrived. He was offered the following choices: rice, pinto beans or salad bar. I have told the school staff from the beginning that salads cannot be our backup plan. The boy will not eat a salad. Rice & pinto beans - that doesn't sound appealing to me AT ALL. EVER. And especially not from a school cafeteria.
So when speaking to the nurse and assistant principal, they kept saying that my son refused to eat. He choose not to eat. He refused any of the plethora of options. Yes I kid you not. The assistant principal actually said he had a PLETHORA of options. Last time I looked 3 is not a plethora!!!
After a 45 minute conversation with the nurse & assistant principal, I realize that their main goal was to make sure I was well aware that my 14 year son had not followed the proper protcol for ordering his lunch and that this was all his fault. They were not interested in solving the issue that my son was going to be at the school until 6pm eating nothing but an apple.
I offered up solution after solution. All of which were met with an excuse as to why that was not possible. I mean I know you serve 1800 kids. I know each of the 3 lunch shifts is only 30 minutes. I know that my son needed to take some responsibility here.
Yes I am aware that in 4 short years he will need to enter "the real world" and be prepared to function given his food limitations. I am more than aware that he is 14 and needs to take responsibility for his choices.
I also know that my son was having an extremely rough day and needed someone (other than me) to show him a little compassion and empathy. I know that it is not fun being a 14 year old boy who can't have gluten. I know that being different in any way in high school can easily make one a target for ridicule and bullying.
What I don't understand is how the people to which I am entrusting my son have absolutely no empathy or compassion!!!
What I also am aware of is that there are days when we all have a crappy day. There are times when we all just want someone to show us a little compassion. There are times when we can't be perfect. I mean as adults we have options if we forget our lunch. We can get in our car and drive ourselves to a store and get something to eat. The last time I looked my son's high school is a closed campus. Oh wait he isn't even 16. He doesn't even have the ability to hop in a car and run to the store to grab a gluten free option.
What my son needed that day was for just one adult to show him a little understanding. He needed someone to say "I realize how difficult this gluten thing is for you. How can I help you make it better?"
Instead he learned that adults he is supposed to count on to support him don't really care about how hard it is to be gluten free. He learned that if he makes even one mistake, it will be held over him.
As I have sat back and reflected upon the events of that day, I realized why this all made me so very angry and upset. I was in tears several times. Crying is not something I like to do - especially not on the phone with school administration.
I realized that I felt like my son and my parenting skills were being called into question. I felt like I had two women judging me and my son. I felt helpless when my son needed an adult to care about him. I was a concerned mom who needed some compassion and empathy. Not to mention the things that were said to me by the school administration were things I would never say to my best friend much less a parent of one of my students.
So my question is where has all the compassion gone? Why do we not care about each other? Why do we not want to help each other have a better day? Compassion and empathy are two traits that we as a society are losing. We seem to have lost the art of caring for one another.
I know that my son will need to learn to fend for himself. I also know that sometimes we all have to count on those around us to help get us through life. We were not meant to be islands. Sometimes we all need a kind, caring person to help us navigate through life.
And just in case you were wondering, I solved the problem and created a workable backup plan just in case he forgets his lunch again. After explaining the backup option to my son, he hugs me and says "Mom, you are the best problem solver".
I just hope he is paying attention and picking up some of these skills!!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Handbaskets, Paved Roads & Other Debacles
Happy Labor Day morning! I am finally feeling like I can take a few minutes to post. The first two weeks of school are under my belt and I plan on going back tomorrow. Always a good thing!!
So I woke up early Saturday morning and thought I will get everything done today and then I can relax the rest of the weekend. Great plan in theory!
After a very productive morning cleaning house and washing laundry, I settled down to tackle my To-Do List from school. I went through the weeks worth of emails, happily deleting & checking things off my list. Then I decided to get a daily schedule of all the comings & goings of my students. The number of pull-outs occurring on a daily basis in my classroom is enough to make your head spin.
I reached in my school bag for my external hard drive, which houses EVERYTHING in my world. It isn't there. I check my purse. Nope not there either. Yep you guessed it - I left it at school. No problem. I have a badge that opens the doors. All I need is a code to turn off the alarm. No hyperventilation happening. Yet!
I obtain a code from another teacher at my school. Grab a box of books for my classroom library. Off I go to retrieve my hard drive.
Here is where things start to take a BIG downward turn!!
I let myself in the front door of the building with my badge. Head to the alarm keypad. Enter in the code. Alarm goes off!!! I try the code again to no avail. That's OK. I know the password for the security call I am about to receive.
I enter into the main office to wait for the call. Phone rings. I answer & give the password. All is right with the world. Except the alarm doesn't go off. I head back out to try my code again. Phone rings again. I answer & speak to a second alarm company employee. Give her the password. Ask how I turn alarm off. She suggests I try my alarm code again while on the phone with her. I say "OK hold on a sec". I set the phone down and head out the office door.
As I hear the click of the lock re-engaging, I turn and scream NOOOOOO. There on the office counter is my purse, car keys, cellphone, & badge!!!! This is where panic starts to take over. I am stuck! I can't get back into the office to get my stuff. I can't get back into my house because my keys are in the office. I have no phone numbers because my cellphone is next to my keys.
Enter in my saving grace. The box of books I mentioned earlier was extremely heavy so I had asked for some help getting it into school. My knight in shining armor was waiting out in front of school for me to turn the alarm off.
I walk out to the car and ask if I can use his phone. I use white to look up fellow teachers' phone number and start calling. After my second attempt, I reach the teacher who teaches in the room next to me. She said she would be right there with her badge. Oh thank goodness!!!
She arrives with her adorable son in tow. We call another teacher and get a different alarm code. We enter the building, use the new code to turn off the alarm & head happily to my room. I grab my hard drive. We drop off the books.
After all this excitement, I did not get any planning accomplished. So here I sit surrounded by school stuff. Good thing I can spend my entire day planning with Agent Jethro Gibbs & team!
Warning - Non-knitting story about to unravel!!
So I woke up early Saturday morning and thought I will get everything done today and then I can relax the rest of the weekend. Great plan in theory!
After a very productive morning cleaning house and washing laundry, I settled down to tackle my To-Do List from school. I went through the weeks worth of emails, happily deleting & checking things off my list. Then I decided to get a daily schedule of all the comings & goings of my students. The number of pull-outs occurring on a daily basis in my classroom is enough to make your head spin.
I reached in my school bag for my external hard drive, which houses EVERYTHING in my world. It isn't there. I check my purse. Nope not there either. Yep you guessed it - I left it at school. No problem. I have a badge that opens the doors. All I need is a code to turn off the alarm. No hyperventilation happening. Yet!
I obtain a code from another teacher at my school. Grab a box of books for my classroom library. Off I go to retrieve my hard drive.
Here is where things start to take a BIG downward turn!!
I let myself in the front door of the building with my badge. Head to the alarm keypad. Enter in the code. Alarm goes off!!! I try the code again to no avail. That's OK. I know the password for the security call I am about to receive.
I enter into the main office to wait for the call. Phone rings. I answer & give the password. All is right with the world. Except the alarm doesn't go off. I head back out to try my code again. Phone rings again. I answer & speak to a second alarm company employee. Give her the password. Ask how I turn alarm off. She suggests I try my alarm code again while on the phone with her. I say "OK hold on a sec". I set the phone down and head out the office door.
As I hear the click of the lock re-engaging, I turn and scream NOOOOOO. There on the office counter is my purse, car keys, cellphone, & badge!!!! This is where panic starts to take over. I am stuck! I can't get back into the office to get my stuff. I can't get back into my house because my keys are in the office. I have no phone numbers because my cellphone is next to my keys.
Enter in my saving grace. The box of books I mentioned earlier was extremely heavy so I had asked for some help getting it into school. My knight in shining armor was waiting out in front of school for me to turn the alarm off.
I walk out to the car and ask if I can use his phone. I use white to look up fellow teachers' phone number and start calling. After my second attempt, I reach the teacher who teaches in the room next to me. She said she would be right there with her badge. Oh thank goodness!!!
She arrives with her adorable son in tow. We call another teacher and get a different alarm code. We enter the building, use the new code to turn off the alarm & head happily to my room. I grab my hard drive. We drop off the books.
After all this excitement, I did not get any planning accomplished. So here I sit surrounded by school stuff. Good thing I can spend my entire day planning with Agent Jethro Gibbs & team!
In knitting news, I have been working on my Origami Sweater. I have about 20 inches of the large panel finished. The knit 1, purl 1 repeat is great mindless knitting. Only 46 more inches left to go on this panel!!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Lovely Lady
I present to you my completed Lady Jane Wrap! Yes I said completed. I finished it up today while watching Channing Tatum in Step Up (not the best acting, just enjoyed watching Channing!).
I started this wrap back in May. I knit it with Frog Tree Pediboo yarn in a pale pink. Now pink is not a color to which I gravitate. However I love this shade of pink and absolutely adore the yarn. Here are a couple more finished pics of Lady Jane.
A few months ago I received a frantic text message from my nephew, The Prince. He was very upset because his mother (my sister) lost his hand knit hat. He wanted to know how fast I could knit him a new one. (Yes his texting skills rank in the advanced category for a one year old.)
The yarn I used for his beloved hat was Plymouth Baby Boutique. Great yarn for baby hats. Well baby hats for GIRLS!! Why must almost all baby yarns have some shade of pink or purple in them. Do they not realize that some of us are knitting for BOYS! I went on a hunt for some soft yarn to use for a hat fit for a Prince.
Now before you are all cursing my sister for losing the hat, you must know that she found it under his car seat. I'm sure SHE shoved it there because there is no possible way that Prince would have done that to his hat!
So after months and months of searching for yarn, I decided on cotton supreme batik from Universal Yarn Inc. This yarn is 100% COTTON and extremely soft. And there is not one hint of pink or purple. I cast on 80 stitches. Knit in a 2 x 2 rib for about an inch and a half. Switched to stockinette for another 5 inches. Evenly decreased until I was left with 8 stitched and bound off. Here is Prince's new hat!
I started this project Thursday evening and finished it Saturday morning. I love hats for this reason. Instant gratification!
I know some of you are impressed at all the finished projects I am churning out. My only answer to this is I realize my days are numbered. I am hoping to continue my knitting mojo this week and finish my Summer Flies shawl. (pics will be forthcoming)
In Adventurous News, this weekend was the Green Grove Garden's Hot Air Balloon Festival. The weather did not cooperate for the 6pm balloon launch Saturday evening - disappointment!! They did inflate all the balloons around 8:00 for the Balloon Glow.
Now the Adventurous Countdown begins for Kenny Chesney! Only 6 more days until he has the chance to pick me out of the crowd to run off into the sun with him! Kenny, if you're reading, I'll be the red head in the Tennessee tank top.
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Lady Jane Wrap |
A few months ago I received a frantic text message from my nephew, The Prince. He was very upset because his mother (my sister) lost his hand knit hat. He wanted to know how fast I could knit him a new one. (Yes his texting skills rank in the advanced category for a one year old.)
The yarn I used for his beloved hat was Plymouth Baby Boutique. Great yarn for baby hats. Well baby hats for GIRLS!! Why must almost all baby yarns have some shade of pink or purple in them. Do they not realize that some of us are knitting for BOYS! I went on a hunt for some soft yarn to use for a hat fit for a Prince.
Now before you are all cursing my sister for losing the hat, you must know that she found it under his car seat. I'm sure SHE shoved it there because there is no possible way that Prince would have done that to his hat!
So after months and months of searching for yarn, I decided on cotton supreme batik from Universal Yarn Inc. This yarn is 100% COTTON and extremely soft. And there is not one hint of pink or purple. I cast on 80 stitches. Knit in a 2 x 2 rib for about an inch and a half. Switched to stockinette for another 5 inches. Evenly decreased until I was left with 8 stitched and bound off. Here is Prince's new hat!
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Prince K's new hat! |
I started this project Thursday evening and finished it Saturday morning. I love hats for this reason. Instant gratification!
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Another view of Prince K's hat |
I know some of you are impressed at all the finished projects I am churning out. My only answer to this is I realize my days are numbered. I am hoping to continue my knitting mojo this week and finish my Summer Flies shawl. (pics will be forthcoming)
In Adventurous News, this weekend was the Green Grove Garden's Hot Air Balloon Festival. The weather did not cooperate for the 6pm balloon launch Saturday evening - disappointment!! They did inflate all the balloons around 8:00 for the Balloon Glow.
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Balloon Glow |
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
How to Impress a Teenager!
Bman is 14 years old and has all the classic teenage symptoms that go with being 14. Add in the fact that he is gluten intolerant and watch the attitude ratchet about 3 million notches when trying to fix dinner. So imagine my hesitancy when trying out a new gluten free pizza recipe tonight. Here are the ingredients:
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Cream Cheese, Pepperoni, Mozzarella Cheese, Parmesan Cheese, various spices, Marinara Sauce & Eggs |
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Finished Pizza |
Yes Rachel, the crust wasn't really dough-like. It was more like a cheesecake consistency - but is that really a bad thing??
In Knitting News, I have been working on finishing my Lady Jane shawl. I only have 8 more decrease sections to knit. I am using Frog Tree's Pediboo yarn in a very pretty pale pink.
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Lady Jane |
I found some time today to frame some of the pictures I have taken during my waterfall adventures and create this:
Just looking at these pictures makes me smile. Most of them were taken at Swallow & Muddy Falls near Deep Creek Lake in Maryland. I love the Deep Creek area. Only 14 more days for me to chase a few more waterfalls. Any suggestions??
Friday, July 27, 2012
Congrats! It's a . . .
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Completely Finished Jordan Sweater! |
This was one of the easiest knits I have ever done. The lace was interesting enough to keep me entertained. It is knit in the round - which means absolutely NO sizing issues for fronts and backs!! The seaming was minimal. And best of all it fits me nicely!
I think the main reason for my success with this knit was joining the knitalong at yarnability. The knitalong provided me with the structure I needed to complete this project. Each week I could get support from Susan or other knitters. My competitive spirit came out as other knitters moved ahead of me. I learned from their
The other key to my success - time! I have a lot of free time on my hands. One of the many perks of being a teacher!
Susan is starting another knitalong in August for the Swirl sweaters. The knit, Swirl trunk show has begun at yarnability. The jackets are GORGEOUS! (Looking at you Rachel - I think you would love them.)
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Click on the yarnability link to get all the details for this trunk show and knitalong |
However the knitalong is beginning in August!! I will be starting back to school in August!! This two factors make for a disaster waiting to happen. My knitting time will take a major hit. I will be spending my "spare" time writing lesson plans or grading papers. So unfortunately I will not be joining in on this knitalong.
So for my knitting I will be working on my Summer Flies shawl (very appropriate since I have only 20 days of vacation left!!) and on my Origami Sweater. Pics will be forthcoming as I make some progress.
For now I will leave you with:
Countdown to Tennessee Football Kickoff - 35 days!!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Not So Relaxing Vacation
I am back after two weeks of vacation. I have been knitting - just not home long enough to blog. I spent the week Bman was at Scout Camp catching up with many friends! I had breakfast, lunch and dinner "dates" with some amazing ladies! Started my week with sushi at Kobe and ended with breakfast at Bettys in Shepherdstown.
I have stopped using my paper calendar and started using my Google Calendar. Yes I am jumping into the 21st century!! So when I planned all these fun outings, I did remember to add them to my calendar (with reminders). However I never stopped to look at the week as a whole. By Friday afternoon, I realized that I may have overbooked myself. Thank goodness for vacation starting on Saturday - or so I thought!
We decided to travel to Williamsburg for a week of relaxing at Greensprings Resort. Thinking that entertaining a 14 year old all week might be a tad difficult - Bman was allowed to bring a friend.
Looking back, I realize that this might not have been my brightest idea. Bman is an only child. At least at my house, he is. He had spent a week at Scout camp with 20 other boys. He then had to spend a week with another friend. Can we say people overload??
By Wednesday the honeymoon period had ended. We had the One Up contest going. There was so much testosterone being flung about that ducking and covering really wasn't an option. Thank goodness for knitting and for teenagers sleeping until noon everyday!! I got about 4 hours every morning to sit quietly and knit!
Immediately after I finished the body. I cast on both sleeves. This is the first time I have knit a pair of items at the same time. I usually knit my socks one at a time. I definitely like the idea of both sleeves being finished at the same time. I can also see this will help make sure both sleeves are the same length - always a good thing!!
On Thursday, I woke up and visited Knitting Sisters. This was my second visit to this great shop in Williamsburg. I came away with some great Lorna's Laces sock yarn and Prism Lace Wool.
When I entered the shop, there was a group of knitters having a social knitting time. After making my purchases, I wasn't ready to head back to the boys. I joined in with the ladies. They welcomed me and oohhed and aahhed appropriately at my sweater. So very glad knitters are a friendly group! I felt like I was among my people again!
Now I am back home with no more travel plans for the summer. I hope to finish my Jordan sweater before school starts. Because once August gets here, I have a feeling my knitting time will be taking a hit as I will .be busy planning for my first year as a 5th grade teacher. Thank goodness for the Origami Sweater! Mindless 1x1 ribbing for miles!
I have stopped using my paper calendar and started using my Google Calendar. Yes I am jumping into the 21st century!! So when I planned all these fun outings, I did remember to add them to my calendar (with reminders). However I never stopped to look at the week as a whole. By Friday afternoon, I realized that I may have overbooked myself. Thank goodness for vacation starting on Saturday - or so I thought!
We decided to travel to Williamsburg for a week of relaxing at Greensprings Resort. Thinking that entertaining a 14 year old all week might be a tad difficult - Bman was allowed to bring a friend.
Looking back, I realize that this might not have been my brightest idea. Bman is an only child. At least at my house, he is. He had spent a week at Scout camp with 20 other boys. He then had to spend a week with another friend. Can we say people overload??
By Wednesday the honeymoon period had ended. We had the One Up contest going. There was so much testosterone being flung about that ducking and covering really wasn't an option. Thank goodness for knitting and for teenagers sleeping until noon everyday!! I got about 4 hours every morning to sit quietly and knit!
On Tuesday, I finished the body of Jordan. I must say this really was a quick & easy knit. And the linen yarn has been great to work with - not as scratchy as I thought it would be. I can't wait to see how this yarn will soften as I wash it.
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Jordan Sweater body |
One of the sleeves |
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Prism Lace Wool - Sedona colorway & Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock - Maple Grove colorway |
Now I am back home with no more travel plans for the summer. I hope to finish my Jordan sweater before school starts. Because once August gets here, I have a feeling my knitting time will be taking a hit as I will .be busy planning for my first year as a 5th grade teacher. Thank goodness for the Origami Sweater! Mindless 1x1 ribbing for miles!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Gotta be G-Free
I mentioned in my last post that my son will be headed to Boy Scout Camp next week. He leaves tomorrow and will be gone until Friday. For most parents this is a stress-free occasion. The boy gets camping things ready (with some guidance from Mom). The parent drops them off at designated drop off site. Away they go for a week of fun & excitement.
Enter in a child with a gluten intolerance!
I called the Camp Director at the end of May (yes I was being VERY proactive) to see how food intolerances/allergies would be handled. I was very impressed with his response. Bman would be given training on kitchen procedures as soon as he gets checked in. There will be a special area designated for preparation of special foods and for storage of food. At every meal, the director will escort boys to food area and they will prepare the meal.
Great I think! This guy really gets what a struggle this is. Bman will be able to have a great week at camp.
Then it hits me. I have to provide all this food for Bman to eat. Again not a problem - after a few deep breaths and some wine, I sit down with Bman to explain the situation. He creates his meal plan (again with LOTS of guidance from Mom). He would be content eating peanut butter cups all week.
Now comes the hard part. Preparing, packaging & labeling all of the food. I get up this morning ready to spend all day in the kitchen. I have the rice cooking, the chicken boiling & baking, the microwave running & all the Ziploc containers lined up. (Stock in Ziploc should have been purchased yesterday!!)
After only an hour spent cooking, I had most of Bman's meals ready to go. I was shocked that I was finished and the kitchen was clean by 11:00 AM. Now if I could just get into the habit of doing this every Saturday or Sunday for all our meals, I think my life would be much easier!
In knitting news, I am making great progress on my sweater - Jordan.
I have finshed one repeat of each of the lace sections. This would be halfway finished on the body section. I am really enjoying knitting this. It is going rather quickly. Who knows I might actually have a finished sweater before Christmas!!
Enter in a child with a gluten intolerance!
I called the Camp Director at the end of May (yes I was being VERY proactive) to see how food intolerances/allergies would be handled. I was very impressed with his response. Bman would be given training on kitchen procedures as soon as he gets checked in. There will be a special area designated for preparation of special foods and for storage of food. At every meal, the director will escort boys to food area and they will prepare the meal.
Great I think! This guy really gets what a struggle this is. Bman will be able to have a great week at camp.
Then it hits me. I have to provide all this food for Bman to eat. Again not a problem - after a few deep breaths and some wine, I sit down with Bman to explain the situation. He creates his meal plan (again with LOTS of guidance from Mom). He would be content eating peanut butter cups all week.
Now comes the hard part. Preparing, packaging & labeling all of the food. I get up this morning ready to spend all day in the kitchen. I have the rice cooking, the chicken boiling & baking, the microwave running & all the Ziploc containers lined up. (Stock in Ziploc should have been purchased yesterday!!)
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Food for Camp |
In knitting news, I am making great progress on my sweater - Jordan.
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Jordan Sweater 7.7.12 |
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Slight Addiction
Happy 4th of July to everyone!
I started my morning off with a trip to the grocery store. OK so not my smartest move. Since I did NOT make a list, I will probably be back at the store several times in the next few days. Bman leaves for Scout Camp on Sunday. His gluten free diet means pre-planning all his meals for the week, cooking them all, and packaging them so the camp doesn't get in trouble with the health department.
I do have to give him credit. He sat down and mapped out what he wanted to eat each day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And I didn't have to ask 15 million times. Guess food is very important to a 14 year old!!
After winding down from the craziness at the grocery store, I realized I needed to finish reorganizing my yarn. I have upgraded to THREE of the 58 Quart Sterilite plastic containers for my stash. One of these containers has nothing but sock yarn in it.
WARNING!! Do not decide to make an "inventory" of your sock yarn that includes price paid on excel.
So my friends I have decided I might need to take a break from purchasing sock yarn. If you see me walking into a yarn store, feel free to follow me around and
The rest of the collection |
Also when one works at a yarn store, payment in sock yarn doesn't count either!! OK I can totally see that I might need an intervention!
Hope everyone has a safe and fun day! I am headed to Shepherd University to watch TWO of the Contemporary American Theatre Festival plays this evening.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Sweater Class Success
Any of my knitting friends will tell you, I am deathly afraid not a sweater knitting kind of person! I site reasons such as "way too much commitment" or "I am a sock knitter - much more effective use of my limited knitting time". So imagine the surprise when I decided to join a knitalong at yarnability. (Peer pressure always get the best of me at the yarn store!! - Can we say Origami Sweater, Kim & Audrey??)
I decided on knitting the Jordan sweater seen below. The pattern can be purchase on Ravelry. This pattern calls for a linen yarn, which is perfect for summer. Next came the task of choosing a color (see what I mean about commitment!!). I went with a purple color whose name I cannot remember and I don't seem to have the tag.
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Claudia Handpaints - Linen |
Here is where I realized something wasn't right with the cast on edge!! There were strange loops along the bottom of the piece. I stopped knitting and took a few deep breaths.
Last Thursday, I headed to the knitalong class a little early and showed Susan the edge. I told her she needed to talk me down off the ledge or give me a big push. A minute and one big push later, I was ripping my work off the needles and starting over!! This is about the time I remembered exactly why I am an a sweater class flunky.
I cast back on all 200+ stitches and started over. As you can see below, no more weird loops on the bottom. I knit along happily for two hours that night and for two more hours the next morring at ssk. I can now say I have almost four inches of this lace pattern finished and am getting ready to start the next section.
Fingers are crossed that I will be finishing this sweater!!
I mentioned earlier that my brother got married a few weeks ago. This picture is of the sunset from the night of the rehearsal dinner. It was gorgeous, as was the wedding and the bride.
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Sunset at Stonebridge |
Congrats Jamie & Krista!!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Felting All Around
Earlier this week I promised to show the knitting I have been doing over the last several months. Here are two of the projects I have started and, more impressively, completed since winter.
The Snowflake Bag was also a Ravelry find. I can't find the ball bands to know what colors of Nature Spun Worsted Weight I used. I was a little disappointed in the loss of definition that occurred when I felted this bag. I think that I felted it a bit longer than I should have (aka didn't pay enough attention to it while felting).
Below are the rest of the pictures both before and after felting for both bags.
Notice the loss of stitch definition from the picture above and the pictures below
The WVU Bag was by far one of the easiest felted bags I have knit! Once I finished the bottom, I picked up stitches around the edge and just knit round after round. Some people would find this a bit monotonous. I however like that I can zone out while I was knitting this bag. Made it a great project to take to the MANY social knitting groups I attend.
I love this bag. For now it is still on display at the store. I plan on using it to house my son's sports stuff in the car. Hopefully this will contain the clutter that occurs in my car (I am not fully convinced this will happen!!).
This bag measure in at 22 inches tall and 15 inches wide BEFORE felting. After felting, it was 16 inches tall and 10 inches wide.
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WVU Bag at yarnability |
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Snowflake Bag at yarnability |
The WVU Bag pattern is Angela's Fabulous Felted Bag. The pattern can be found on Ravelry. I used Nature Spun Worsted Weight yarn in Navy and Impasse Yellow. I started this at the end of May and finished it shortly after the end of school. Just in time for West Virginia Daze at yarnability.
The Snowflake Bag was also a Ravelry find. I can't find the ball bands to know what colors of Nature Spun Worsted Weight I used. I was a little disappointed in the loss of definition that occurred when I felted this bag. I think that I felted it a bit longer than I should have (aka didn't pay enough attention to it while felting).
Below are the rest of the pictures both before and after felting for both bags.
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Snowflake Bag immediately after felting |
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Front of Snowflake Bag |
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Back of Snowflake Bag (yes I reversed the colors in the pattern) |
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Side of the Snowflake Bag |
The WVU Bag was by far one of the easiest felted bags I have knit! Once I finished the bottom, I picked up stitches around the edge and just knit round after round. Some people would find this a bit monotonous. I however like that I can zone out while I was knitting this bag. Made it a great project to take to the MANY social knitting groups I attend.
I love this bag. For now it is still on display at the store. I plan on using it to house my son's sports stuff in the car. Hopefully this will contain the clutter that occurs in my car (I am not fully convinced this will happen!!).
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WVU Bag while drying |
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WVU Bag at the halfway point |
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22 inches tall before felting |
I am now taking a break from felted bags. I am working on the Lady jane wrap and the Jordan sweater. Pics of these projects will be forthcoming.
On a personal note, I am enjoying my Summer of Adventures. I have chased several waterfalls, against the advice of a popular song. I have spent many hours relaxing and knitting with good friends. I am spending each day choosing happiness.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Creative Thinking
Yes I am back after a LONG break from blogging. I have been knitting. However this post is going to focus on my other creative adventure. I recently got my ears pierced. (They were originally pierced in high school and my ears are super sensitive to most earrings. So I let them go closed.) I digress. Since I have started wearing earrings again, I have accummulated several nicer (read hypoallergenic) sets. They were starting to take over my dresser. So I was trying to figure out how to store them in a decorative way.
I headed over to Michaels with an idea in mind. I grabbed a picture frame, some batting and 2 rolls of ribbon that match my comforter. I pulled everything out yesterday - thinking this project might take me the entire afternoon to create. Imagine my surprise when 15 minutes later I have this earring display.
First I removed the back of the frame and all the extras included with all frames. I was trying to decide what to use for the batting. I laid the glass on top of the batting to cut the amount needed. Then I realized I could use the glass to hold the batting in place. Next came the ribbon. I cut strips of each color and placed them diagonally over the batting. Finally I placed the glass, batting & ribbon back in the frame. Yes it really was that simple!!
This picture shows the finished product with earrings included. It is sitting on my dresser and looks much better than the earring boxes I was using before.
As I mentioned earlier, I have been knitting. I will share all my finished projects and WIP's in the next few days. Right now I am off to enjoy another beautiful summer day!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Love/Hate Relationship
If you have been following my adventures for a while (ok the last month), you can see that I have been working on a pair of plain vanilla socks in an unknown yarn. I have one sock completely finished & it even fits me. So I started the second sock sometime ago.
Apparently my tension decided to be completely altered for this second sock. I was knitting along - happily turning the heel & starting on the home stretch. On Tuesday, I was ready to start the decreases for the toe, when I realized something was horribly wrong.
As you can see from the pictures below, my second sock is slightly (read noticeably) larger than the first sock.
This is the leg of the sock. Not too terribly different.
The foot of the sock - where things went horribly awry!!
So I will be frogging the second sock and trying again! This time paying closer attention to my friend/enemy - GAUGE.
In happier news, Yarnability has opened in Shepherdstown. After many long days & nights helping Susan setting everything up, the shop opened today. The yarn deliveries are occuring every day. The shelves, where once crisp & white, are now overflowing with all colors of the rainbow. The pegboard is level and stocked full of needles & yarn. The calendar is full of awesome classes & social events.
Here are some pictures from the work days before opening the store.
Moving Day!
Orignal Placement of furniture
Calendar before my handiwork
Calendar after I worked my magic!!
My pegboard masterpiece! (Notice the angle of the top)
Stop by and tell Susan hi! The shop looks great. Can't wait for many hours of social knitting!
Monday, January 16, 2012
LOL - literally!
I started my extra day off reading The Yarn Harlot's newest book - All Wound Up. For all my knitter friends, this has to be one of her funniest books. I was literally laughing out loud. Good thing I was the only one home. I can just see myself explaining that to my 13 year-old son. "Yes, Bman, I am reading a book about knitting and yes it is so funny I am laughing out loud." I think that might seal my fate of "crazy mom".
For my non-knitting followers, I highly recommend this book. Especially if you have a knitter in your life. So far the "Personal Filters" chapter is my fav. I have totally had some of the thoughts in the "What I Would Like to Say" sections. If you would like to borrow my copy when I am finished, let me know. I will highlight for you!
As for actual knitting, I spent most of my extended weekend working on the Potato Chip Scarf, the Plain Vanilla Socks & a new project - A Sideway Scarf. I made that name up just now. I cast on 220 stitches and am just knitting back and forth until I run out of yarn.
Winter has decided to make an appearance here in the Mid-Atlantic. I pulled out some handknit socks to wear. This has revived my passion for socks. I had two pairs of socks that just needed the ends woven in. So I sat down this afternoon and wove in the ends. Here are the 2 pairs of socks.
My first attempt at toe up socks. Yarn is Fleece Merino, colorway - Autumn. Plain sock with a 1x1 rib at the top.
These socks were knit from the top down, with a lace panel down the back of the sock. I can't remember the pattern (another good reason to blog about my knitting - record of patterns and yarn). Yarn is Trekking XXL in Oranges.
For my non-knitting followers, I highly recommend this book. Especially if you have a knitter in your life. So far the "Personal Filters" chapter is my fav. I have totally had some of the thoughts in the "What I Would Like to Say" sections. If you would like to borrow my copy when I am finished, let me know. I will highlight for you!
As for actual knitting, I spent most of my extended weekend working on the Potato Chip Scarf, the Plain Vanilla Socks & a new project - A Sideway Scarf. I made that name up just now. I cast on 220 stitches and am just knitting back and forth until I run out of yarn.
Winter has decided to make an appearance here in the Mid-Atlantic. I pulled out some handknit socks to wear. This has revived my passion for socks. I had two pairs of socks that just needed the ends woven in. So I sat down this afternoon and wove in the ends. Here are the 2 pairs of socks.
My first attempt at toe up socks. Yarn is Fleece Merino, colorway - Autumn. Plain sock with a 1x1 rib at the top.
Here is the progress I have made on the Plain Vanilla Socks. I am almost to the heel. I love the magic that is turning of the heel when knitting socks.
Another picture of the Potato Chip Scarf. Thankfully May is still 4 months away!!
So while I might not be blogging every day, I have been knitting a little each day. Feels good to be achieving my goals and having finished projects to show for it!! Happy knitting everyone!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
To make progress, one must actually knit!
This seems like such a simple concept. Knit more - have more knitting to share. Well in order to have knitting to share, one must actually do the knitting. I will admit that my knitting time took a hit these past few days.
Back to the knitting - I have been chugging along on Mom's scarf. Here is the latest pic.
I did get a chance to attend some basketball games for my son. While there I was more interested in what some parents call "appropriate" behavior. It never ceases to amaze me how closely the behaviors of children are to that of their parents. We are TWO games into the season and already one parent has been asked not to return. The last time I checked, we were playing at the Rec Center. I didn't realize that college scholarships or retirements were resting on these games. Guess I should get on the phone with Duke or UConn.
Back to the knitting - I have been chugging along on Mom's scarf. Here is the latest pic.
As you can see, I have had to move the picture location. This does mean there has been some length added. Looks like I am on track to finish it for Mom's birthday. I have until May.
I also need to give a shout out to my bestie's daughter. She won 1st place in her school Science Fair today!! Watch out County Science Fair, here we come!
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