Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Love/Hate Relationship

 If you have been following my adventures for a while (ok the last month), you can see that I have been working on a pair of plain vanilla socks in an unknown yarn.  I have one sock completely finished & it even fits me.  So I started the second sock sometime ago. 

Apparently my tension decided to be completely altered for this second sock.  I was knitting along - happily turning the heel & starting on the home stretch.  On Tuesday, I was ready to start the decreases for the toe, when I realized something was horribly wrong.

As you can see from the pictures below, my second sock is slightly (read noticeably) larger than the first sock. 
This is the leg of the sock.  Not too terribly different.

The foot of the sock - where things went horribly awry!!

So I will be frogging the second sock and trying again!  This time paying closer attention to my friend/enemy - GAUGE.

In happier news, Yarnability has opened in Shepherdstown.  After many long days & nights helping Susan setting everything up, the shop opened today.  The yarn deliveries are occuring every day.  The shelves, where once crisp & white, are now overflowing with all colors of the rainbow.  The pegboard is level and stocked full of needles & yarn.  The calendar is full of awesome classes & social events.

Here are some pictures from the work days before opening the store. 

 Moving Day!
 Orignal Placement of furniture

 Calendar before my handiwork

 Calendar after I worked my magic!!
My pegboard masterpiece! (Notice the angle of the top)

Stop by and tell Susan hi!  The shop looks great.  Can't wait for many hours of social knitting!

1 comment:

  1. I did some math - we put up over 100 square feet of pegboard that weekend. We should have signed it in back to be discovered by future pegboard enthusiasts. -A
