Saturday, July 7, 2012

Gotta be G-Free

I mentioned in my last post that my son will be headed to Boy Scout Camp next week.  He leaves tomorrow and will be gone until Friday.  For most parents this is a stress-free occasion.  The boy gets camping things ready (with some guidance from Mom).  The parent drops them off at designated drop off site.  Away they go for a week of fun & excitement.

Enter in a child with a gluten intolerance! 

I called the Camp Director at the end of May (yes I was being VERY proactive) to see how food intolerances/allergies would be handled.  I was very impressed with his response.  Bman would be given training on kitchen procedures as soon as he gets checked in.  There will be a special area designated for preparation of special foods and for storage of food.  At every meal, the director will escort boys to food area and they will prepare the meal.

Great I think!  This guy really gets what a struggle this is.  Bman will be able to have a great week at camp. 

Then it hits me.  I have to provide all this food for Bman to eat.  Again not a problem - after a  few deep breaths and some wine, I sit down with Bman to explain the situation.  He creates his meal plan (again with LOTS of guidance from Mom).  He would be content eating peanut butter cups all week. 

Now comes the hard part.  Preparing, packaging & labeling all of the food.  I get up this morning ready to spend all day in the kitchen.  I have the rice cooking, the chicken boiling & baking, the microwave running & all the Ziploc containers lined up.  (Stock in Ziploc should have been purchased yesterday!!)

Food for Camp
 After only an hour spent cooking, I had most of Bman's meals ready to go.  I was shocked that I was finished and the kitchen was clean by 11:00 AM.  Now if I could just get into the habit of doing this every Saturday or Sunday for all our meals, I think my life would be much easier!

In knitting news, I am making great progress on my sweater - Jordan. 

Jordan Sweater 7.7.12
I have finshed one repeat of each of the lace sections.  This would be halfway finished on the body section.  I am really enjoying knitting this.  It is going rather quickly.  Who knows I might actually have a finished sweater before Christmas!!

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