Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We all need a little help from our friends!

Day 2 has arrived. I must say it would have been really easy to say I have too many other things to get done tonight - like dishes, laundry, reading for my meetings tomorrow. Enter Words with Friends message from my bestie, S-dawg. She gave me a gentle reminder that she would be looking for a blog post tonight. Thank you, Bestie

I present to you minimal (read 45 minutes of knitting) on Mom's Potato Chip Scarf

I do like how this scarf is really starting to spiral.  I probably should have measured my progress.  I think this might discourage me, especially since it seems to be inching along.

Now S-dawg, I am off to read TWO chapters before bedtime!

1 comment:

  1. Looking good! a little each day is all that matters. Doing the things that make you happy and can reflect back on will be worth it (like knitting a very neat scarf that has twist in it). Can't wait to see it when it is done. All those other things that need done will be there tomorrow right!?!?
