Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bucket List or Goal??

One of the best things about this blog has been the support I am getting from friends and family. (Thanks!!  I love each of you.)  So today as I am sitting at my Thursday night knitting group, I get a text from one of my best friends.  Here is the text message:

"So here's a goal for you for knitting-if you watch the Zac Brown video "keep me in mind"...M's mom knitted his hat!  M. gave it to a security guard at a concert the week before the video was shot!   He delivered it and he likes it...There's a goal-get a celebrity to wear your creations."

Here is my question for you - Is this a attainable goal for this year or should this be moved to the bucket list??

Since I went to Thursday night knitting, I have some progress to be shown on a certain WIP.  I presesnt the Plain Vanilla Sock.  I am still working on what yarn this is and the colorway. 

I completed about 2.5 inches tonight.  It was a very SOCIAL night at knitting.  I think we may have crossed into a dark place a time or two.  There was some revenge plotting that got pretty intense!! 


  1. Love the idea of seeing a famous person sport your creation! Done...added to the bucket list. Maybe Ben, Michael, Dave or Kenny. :) Drama at SOCIAL knitting humm..Cant wait to read more. Oh yeah, Vanilla sock Nice!

  2. Great idea Heather! I will read and post often. As for the question of the day...I would put it on the bucket list unless you already know how many degrees you are from your celebrity of choice. If you already know someone who knows someone who could deliver it to a celebrity then it is attainable for this year.

    I know socks can get boring quickly, but I see you have several other projects to keep you going when you need a break from the vanilla sock. Good work on it tonight, in spite of all the stuff going on around us!
