Monday, January 16, 2012

LOL - literally!

I started my extra day off reading The Yarn Harlot's newest book - All Wound Up.  For all my knitter friends, this has to be one of her funniest books.  I was literally laughing out loud.  Good thing I was the only one home.  I can just see myself explaining that to my 13 year-old son.  "Yes, Bman, I am reading a book about knitting and yes it is so funny I am laughing out loud."  I think that might seal my fate of "crazy mom".

For my non-knitting followers, I highly recommend this book.  Especially if you have a knitter in your life.  So far the "Personal Filters" chapter is my fav.  I have totally had some of the thoughts in the "What I Would Like to Say" sections.  If you would like to borrow my copy when I am finished, let me know.  I will highlight for you!

As for actual knitting, I spent most of my extended weekend working on the Potato Chip Scarf, the Plain Vanilla Socks & a new project - A Sideway Scarf.  I made that name up just now.  I cast on 220 stitches and am just knitting back and forth until I run out of yarn. 

Winter has decided to make an appearance here in the Mid-Atlantic.  I pulled out some handknit socks to wear.  This has revived my passion for socks.  I had two pairs of socks that just needed the ends woven in.  So I sat down this afternoon and wove in the ends.  Here are the 2 pairs of socks.

My first attempt at toe up socks.  Yarn is Fleece Merino, colorway - Autumn.  Plain sock with a 1x1 rib at the top.

These socks were knit from the top down, with a lace panel down the back of the sock.  I can't remember the pattern (another good reason to blog about my knitting - record of patterns and yarn).  Yarn is Trekking XXL in Oranges.

Here is the progress I have made on the Plain Vanilla Socks.  I am almost to the heel.  I love the magic that is turning of the heel when knitting socks. 

 Another picture of the Potato Chip Scarf.  Thankfully May is still 4 months away!!

So while I might not be blogging every day, I have been knitting a little each day.  Feels good to be achieving my goals and having finished projects to show for it!!  Happy knitting everyone!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

To make progress, one must actually knit!

This seems like such a simple concept. Knit more - have more knitting to share.  Well in order to have knitting to share, one must actually do the knitting. I will admit that my knitting time took a hit these past few days.

I did get a chance to attend some basketball games for my son.  While there I was more interested in what some parents call "appropriate" behavior.  It never ceases to amaze me how closely the behaviors of children are to that of their parents.  We are TWO games into the season and already one parent has been asked not to return.  The last time I checked, we were playing at the Rec Center.  I didn't realize that college scholarships or retirements were resting on these games.  Guess I should get on the phone with Duke or UConn.

Back to the knitting - I have been chugging along on Mom's scarf.  Here is the latest pic.
As you can see, I have had to move the picture location.  This does mean there has been some length added.  Looks like I am on track to finish it for Mom's birthday.  I have until May.

I also need to give a shout out to my bestie's daughter.  She won 1st place in her school Science Fair today!!  Watch out County Science Fair, here we come!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bucket List or Goal??

One of the best things about this blog has been the support I am getting from friends and family. (Thanks!!  I love each of you.)  So today as I am sitting at my Thursday night knitting group, I get a text from one of my best friends.  Here is the text message:

"So here's a goal for you for knitting-if you watch the Zac Brown video "keep me in mind"...M's mom knitted his hat!  M. gave it to a security guard at a concert the week before the video was shot!   He delivered it and he likes it...There's a goal-get a celebrity to wear your creations."

Here is my question for you - Is this a attainable goal for this year or should this be moved to the bucket list??

Since I went to Thursday night knitting, I have some progress to be shown on a certain WIP.  I presesnt the Plain Vanilla Sock.  I am still working on what yarn this is and the colorway. 

I completed about 2.5 inches tonight.  It was a very SOCIAL night at knitting.  I think we may have crossed into a dark place a time or two.  There was some revenge plotting that got pretty intense!! 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We all need a little help from our friends!

Day 2 has arrived. I must say it would have been really easy to say I have too many other things to get done tonight - like dishes, laundry, reading for my meetings tomorrow. Enter Words with Friends message from my bestie, S-dawg. She gave me a gentle reminder that she would be looking for a blog post tonight. Thank you, Bestie

I present to you minimal (read 45 minutes of knitting) on Mom's Potato Chip Scarf

I do like how this scarf is really starting to spiral.  I probably should have measured my progress.  I think this might discourage me, especially since it seems to be inching along.

Now S-dawg, I am off to read TWO chapters before bedtime!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome to My World

Hello and welcome to my new adventure for 2012!  One of my goals (I don't like using the word resolution) is to knit more this year.  I was trying to think of a way to hold myself accountable.  I thought why not take a picture every day of the project(s) on which I am working.  This would be great - except then I am the only one looking at them. 

So I thought about a blog.  This way some of my friends & family can help hold me accountable by asking about the projects they see.

To get us started in this adventure, I photographed several of my works in progress (WIP's).  I didn't take pictures of ALL my WIP's, just the ones on which I am mainly working. 

Here they are:

1.  Yarn Harlot Plain Vanilla Socks
I have been working on these for so long, I am not even sure what yarn they are anymore.  If I figure it out, I will definitely share.

2.  Lace & Cable Socks from Socks from the Toe Up by Wendy Johnson

Yarn - Serendipitous Ewe
Colorway - Tulip
Again I have been working on these for a while. I like to say they are resting.

3.  Potato Chip Scarf for my mother
Yarn - Schaeffer's Heather
This is the first things my mom has ever asked me to knit.  Can't say no to that.

4.  Origami Sweater from Frog Tree Yarns

Yarn - Frog Tree
More details on this another day!!

Well, there you have it.  The four WIP's I am willing to share for now.  Hopefully they will be moving to the finished projects sooner than I expected.