Each summer I participate in Camp Loopy, a knitting challenge presented by
The Loopy Ewe. They provide three project challenges which need to be completed during June, July & August. I love Camp Loopy! I get projects finished. I get to buy yarn. What's not to love?
The Loopy Ewe also provides challenges throughout the rest of the year. Many of these I have bought yarn and picked out projects. And yes even cast on!! But then reality sets in.
Papers need graded. Lesson plans need written. The boy needs driven here or there. And my knitting (and all other craftiness) comes to a screeching halt. Many projects get started. Few get finished!
As I was pondering joining in yet another challenge, my lovely knitting friend (and challenge partner-in-crime) Sarah and I realized that we may not be able to keep up. So we came up with our own unique challenge. One I am sure many knitters would appreciate.
The Year of the UFO
In knitting, a UFO is an UnFinished Object. The first part of this challenge was to entice our friends Kim and Audrey to join. Mission Accomplished! Strength in numbers (aka other people to join in the craziness).
The second part was to take a picture of all UFOs and post to our GroupMe message board. Mission 2 accomplished!
I am also going to blog about my accomplishments. I figure one more level of accountability can't hurt.
So here are ALL the UFOs I have to date:
Plain Sock |
Ruffle Scarf (This one could get frogged!!) |
Italian Summer Shawl |
Yes I know...many projects that need to be completed! This next photo is to keep me motivated. All of this yarn hangs on my Wall of Happy in my Crafty Room. If I want to knit with it, I must finish several of these UFOs.
And just to prove that I have been actually finishing projects, here are two baby blankets I quilted for some special babies born in the past few months. One more to come after I show it to the parents.
Happy knitting!!
Good Luck..I will believe it when or as we see it.... Most new years's resolutions make it through 8 days!! lol