Monday, January 13, 2014

Challenge Accepted

In my last post I ended with my challenge for the new year - 14 Finished Projects in 2014.  Well I have been asked what projects am I planning on finishing.  Like most knitters, I have several (read I stopped counting at 15) UFO's or WIP's.  Some of them have been on needles for years!!

Usually I take stock of my resting projects at the beginning of my summer break.  Well since my summer break seems to be diminishing fast this winter (no more snow days PLEASE!!!), I decided to organize and prioritize my projects now.  I quickly realized that I needed to revisit some of my long lost knitty friends.

So here is my list of projects that have priority in 2014:

1.  Philotes (my January Loopy Ewe Challenge project)
2.  Nymphalidea
3.  Origami
4.  Spectra
5.  Red, White and Blue Quilt
6.  Quilting Retreat Quilt (March 2014)
7.  Central Park Vest
8.  Sassy Stripes Quilt
9.  Tennessee Orange Lady Jane shawlette
10.  Summer Flies shawl
11.  Plain Vanilla Socks
12.  Tulip Socks

Now I know what you are thinking - This girl can't count.  She said 14 in 2014 and she has only listed 12. I am keeping two slots open for quilts that I want to work on later in the year. I would also like to point out that this list in not set in stone.  I reserve the right to start a new project that might bump a project or two from the list.

So over the rainy weekend, I worked on two projects.  First I completed the Red, White and Blue quilt top.  Now when I say completed, I do not mean the quilt is completely finished.  I completed the top of the quilt.  I still have a long way to go before I can move that over to the 14 Finished in 2014 list.  But it is one step closer.

Second I knit a few rows on the Philotes.  This project involves lace knitting, cable knitting and bead work. Each row includes something that requires my attention.  I am altering the pattern just a little bit.  Instead of making this a triangle shaped shawlette, I have decided to make it more scarf shaped.  I will post my modifications in my Ravelry write-up after I complete this project.

Because this project has a strict deadline, it requires it to be bumped to the top of the list.  It is my January Challenge project from the Loopy Ewe.  My knitting friend, Sarah, and I accepted this challenge.  I sure hope she is further along than I am.

As of this past Saturday, I am officially registered for my second quilting class at Wilson's Quilt Shop.  I will be doing a quilt called Sassy Stripes.  I went Saturday morning to pick out my colors.  This is what I came home with me.

As for the other projects on my list, I will post pictures as I get to them.  Hopefully this public announcement will keep me on track.  If not then, I am sure there are plenty of friends that will begin asking me about how many finished projects I have completed so far.  And yes thank you to my friend for pointing out that this requires me to finish  approximately 1.25 projects a month, that January is half over, AND that February is a short month.  Just the type of "encouragement" I needed!!  lol

I am closing tonight with something that makes me smile.  Every time you order from The Loopy Ewe, they send your package with this great sticker attached.

And I must say they are correct!! It most definitely is a Box of Fun.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year...New Challenges

Happy New Year!  Even though I haven't been busy blogging for the past few months.  I have been quite busy.  I have not one but two QUILTS under my belt.  (Pics below).  Yes I said quilts.  I have always admired handmade quilts.  I dated a guy in college who's mother was an avid quilter and I remember thinking then "Wow this is something I could really love!"  Then I quickly walked away knowing that at the time I didn't have the time nor the money to get addicted to quilting.

Fast forward more years than I would like to admit...Susan at yarnability opens SewInclined.  She sets up an entire room of sewing machines for customer use, has classes for both sewing and quilting, and stocks many beautiful fabrics.  I held out for as long as I could (ok maybe I could have held out longer, but really the blue and green fabrics were screaming my name).

I started slowing.  Making some place mats for my dining room table. Yes I used the blue and green fabrics - which caused me to have to totally rethink my decorating scheme for my house.

I fell in love!  I couldn't stop thinking about quilting and patterns and color combos.  I was hooked.

So I signed up for the Jelly Roll race at the shop and picked out my Jelly Roll.  Wow who knew that sewing 1600 inches of fabric could be soooo fun!  I wish I had stopped to take pictures of everyone sewing that night.  Good thing there is a new Jelly Roll Race coming up here soon.

I then decided to visit Wilson's Quilt Shop in Hagerstown.  Oh my was I in trouble.  I came home with another Jelly Roll and a registration for my first quilting class - ABC's of quilting.

My quilting enabler friend, Audrey, went back with me and we picked out the fabrics for this class.  Good thing we had guidance for the wonderful ladies at Wilson's.  If not, I think we would still be trying to decide.

After four classes, I had a completely finished quilt!  My color choices caused quite the commotion during class.  I guess I went a little too modern for the owner.  Oh well, I absolutely love it.

So much that I have signed up for my next class - Sassy Strips, started a Red, White and Blue quilt, and am going to a quilting retreat in March.  Oh and I bought this guy.

His name if Philip Pfaff.  He is an embroidery/sewing machine.  He does everything I need him to do and them some.

So if you are thinking, wait I thought this was a knitting blog, you are correct.  And from this point forward it will also include my adventures in quilting as well.

I would also like to challenge my crafty friends for 2014.  I am setting a personal goal of 14 completed projects for 2014.  These 14 projects will include both quilting and knitting and projects that I have started at any point in time.  So who is with me?  If 14 projects seems overwhelming, I challenge you to set your own personal crafty goal and list it below in the comments.  And please feel free to ask me anytime how my projects are going (or gently remind me how much time is left in 2014)!!